Enjoy High-Vibes with STL Soundbath!

There is no such thing as silence.

Find awareness of the deep sense of peace in your heart; locate your pillar of authentic belonging within your Divine core by experiencing meditative, vibrational soundbath healing.

• Alignment, belonging, and peace found by quieting yourself and experiencing the healing joy that is sound vibrational frequencies paired with the benefits of meditation.

• Our molecules are 99% water, and our bodies are 2/3 water volume. Every protein (bone, sinews, tissues) exists in a hydrated form.

• Just as the moon energy affects the tides of the ocean's water, sound vibrations affect our energetic bodies (aura and chakras) as well as our physical bodies, including our mind.

Treat yourself to a meditative and healing soundbath given by Vibe Curator and Certified Sound Healer Kandi Jo.

Book Kandi for Soundbath

Sound Healing Vibes 

• Sacred sound streams, sacred geometry, sacred energy existence, sacred energy exchange, sacred and timeless healing. That is the energetic experience offered with St. Louis Soundbath! 

• Sounds exist in shape; did you know that?
The sacred geometry of sound is fascinating!  

Sound Therapy 

What are the benefits of soundbath therapy? 

• Our molecules are 99% water, and our bodies are 2/3 water volume. Every protein (bone, sinews, tissues) exists in a hydrated form. 
• Just as the moon energy affects the tides of the ocean's water, sound vibrations affect our energetic bodies (aura and chakras) as well as our physical bodies, including our mind. 
• Sound healing is a therapeutic modality where a certified practitioner plays various frequencies of sound, carrying  varying vibrational frequencies to our human vessels and energetic existence. 
• Each chakra in the energy center has an associated frequency with it, and the vibrational frequencies created from the sound instruments level the energetic existence within the associated chakra/s. 
• Sound healing sessions induce deep relaxation, calmness, and peace, alongside feeling relief from stress, worry, and anxiety. 
• Meditative sound healing practices help us find alignment within ourselves, connect to Divine Source energy and release old, unhealthy patterns and tensions. 
• Sound vibrations clear energetic and physical blockages, moving stuck energy, detoxifying and regulating molecular structure and existence. 
• You can reform new habits of healthy patterns in harmony, balance, and alignment with your highest self, increasing your energy, vitality, and creativity. 
• Sound vibrational healing is a modality of therapy frequently used in the mainstream healthcare realm, including allopathic medical treatments. For instance, hospitals hire Sound Healing Practitioners to provide overall wellness treatments to patients in chemotherapy, radiation, and even surgery. 
• Sounds induce calm which help speed recovery, and minimize side effects such as nausea, vomiting, and fatigue.
• Sound healing is typically accompanied with meditation, sometimes guided, which helps to open our third-eye, and align us with our Kundalini awakening. 

This photo was taken during the 2018 Midwest Yoga and Oneness Festival where people of all ages came to learn more about peace within. It was an awesome experience being able to photograph this event. I would love to continue down this road of event photography.

STL Soundbath 

Available bookings will be featured here.

More coming soon! 

1-Hour Custom Soundbath 

Kandi will come to you and provide a 1-hour healing sound bath for a flat rate. You can have as many or as little attendees as you would like. Kandi brings 7 various sized crystal sound bowls that all resonate at various frequencies, treating each of the main 7 chakra energy centers.  Vibe with me! 

Book Custom Soundbath

Sunrise Soundbath

Purchase your admission for the next sunrise sound bath healing session hosted by Kandi. We meet at various locations. The next sunrise sound bath date will be announced soon. Subscribe to our newsletter to be the first to know! 

More info coming soon! 

Distance Soundbath + Guided Meditation

This is a distance/virtual sound bath and guided meditation. To open the session, Kandi will pull a tarot card for you, then she will guide you into meditation and perform a private healing sound bath. 

Book Virtual Session

Corporate Soundbath Package

This is a package of two one-hour sound baths for a workplace setting. Kandi will lead each group through a guided meditation

More info coming soon!

Stay up with STL Soundbath

If you want to be the first to know about events and experiences with St. Louis Soundbath, just send us your email, and we'll share the love. 

Don't worry, we won't send you too much content. We're a tiny team and would rather be vibing anyway. 


Thank you for supporting STL Soundbath! We love that you're interested in being in-the-know with our events, experiences, and product offerings! We won't email you much though; we'd rather be vibing; trust us. With Loving Universal Energy, The STL Soundbath Team


2662 Highway MO-100
Gray Summit, MO, 63039, U.S.A.

About us

Bringing you healing sound baths and spiritual events. 

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